Ohiofarmgirl's Adventures in The Good Land is largely a fish out of water tale about how I eventually found my footing on a small farm in an Amish town. We are a mostly organic, somewhat self sufficient, sustainable farm in Ohio. There's action and adventure and I'll always tell you the truth about farming.

Monday, March 11, 2013

That's a Long Pig

Soooooo much bacon.......

Those are some long pigz.....

Looks to be about right.

Soon. Very soon.

Happy Monday everyone! Any one else dreaming of bacon?


Heavens Door Acres said...

That is some of the prettiest bacon I have seen in a "long" time!

David said...

Those are beautiful. Looks like some great eating!

Anonymous said...

I did a double-take when I read the title of this post in my Reader since "long pig" has a less than savory meaning.

Jonathan said...

Very nice looking pigs! We just got our first round of Tams and are really looking forward to the whole process.
Thanks again for your help with the chickens a few years back--you helped save our bacon:)

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