Ohiofarmgirl's Adventures in The Good Land is largely a fish out of water tale about how I eventually found my footing on a small farm in an Amish town. We are a mostly organic, somewhat self sufficient, sustainable farm in Ohio. There's action and adventure and I'll always tell you the truth about farming.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday and the canning is at full speed!

Is everyone canning today?

If you hear that snap snap snap - its us canning up more green beans. Of course, we've also been cooking some low and slow in the crock pot... with an odd ham end for a delish and easy summer meal.

Hope all our friends on the East Coast and in New England get their lights turned on soon.  I don't know about you but I was pretty irked about all the complaining some folks did about how Irene was a big "nothing" and it was "overhyped." Are you kidding? Thirty-eight people dead and 5 million without power? The flooding in Vermont?

You'd think those folks in a certain big city would be happy they aren't standing in the dark, knee deep in water. Better yet, they should repent....and then donate something to help the folks who felt Irene's full wrath.

Happy Tuesday everyone!


Sue said...

Bravo! Well said.
I was really surprised by how badly Vermont got nailed....some of the video footage I saw was unreal!

Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

Amen to that! keep busy canning so you don't get yourself all riled up and not able to take care of my chicken....

Little Rooster Croft said...

Ditto! My blog pretty much says the same thing! We were lucky!

And yeah...canning...working on it! Happy canning!

Summersweet Farm said...

I'm jealous, we got almost NO beans! I suspect a groundhog.

David P. Offutt - The Gastronomic Gardener said...

Yep Canning.. it's not just a job, it's an obligation to summer. I love it. Especially in February.

Ohiofarmgirl said...

Sue - I'm still shocked at all the destruction. The pictures are just gutting.

You know it Ginny, I'm working hard. Idle hands just aren't good for anything.

LRCroft - whew! I was thinking about you over the weekend. Glad you and yours are ok!

SSF - I'm telling you, a big dog will solve all your problems. HA! (just kiddin')

Dave - its not just a job its an adventure!

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