Isn't it stunning? You can make this at home!
So I've been making a lot of fresh cheeses that don't need to cure at 50*-60* with a specific humidity. One of my favorites is a French Neufchatel. Its fabulous. I have my blog pal, K, to thank for my love affair with neufchatel... he wrote about this cheese a while ago and I've been hooked every since.
When most folks think about neufchatel cheese they usually think of that horrible stuff beside the cream cheese boxes in the dairy section at the megagrocery...and not this stunning cheese lovingly handcrafted and shaped into hearts. I wish I had a heart shaped mold but my round one is just fine.
The mold forms that white rind on this heavenly fresh cheese.
I found the recipe in my favorite cheesemaking book, 200 Easy Homemade Cheese Recipes: From Cheddar and Brie to Butter and Yogurt
The recipe is a snap. Basically make your standard fresh goat milk cheese (chevre) and add a pinch of mold - penicillium candidum to be exact. You can order the mold at Leeners - my favorite cheese making supply shop. Leeners provides superfast delivery, exceptional customer service, and just about everything you'd need to get your cheese making project underway. Everything but the goat, of course.
There are a couple steps in making this cheese - mostly making sure all the extra whey is out of the cheese and also "curing" it in the fridge until the mold rind forms on the outside. Then its nothing but heavenly snacking. Depending on how long you let this cheese rest - during the steps - this cheese can be very mild....or with a twangy stank - as I like it. Its incredible with a snappy white wine and crusty homemade bread.
Got milk? Got the book? Go ahead and give this easy, moldy, creamy cheese a try.
Happy Saturday everyone!
Click here for a complete list of cheese making supplies.
Did not know about Leeners... thank you! The cheese looks great, and I'd like to try making it.
That's great! I made some last year in a heart-shaped mold, but didn't get a great tasty mold cover on mine. I need to try again. :)
*drool* I think it is time I had a stern talk with Sable. She is holding out with the kidding and holding up the cheesemaking. The nerve. Or maybe a good squeeze would help.
Feta is a good one that doesn't require a cheese cave. I'm planning on starting a couple new batches this weekend. I'll try this one. I think Mollie has the recipe on Fiasco Farm but I think she calls it St. Maure. I'll have to see if there are any other differences.
That looks utterly delicious and I know that nothing that I eat today will hit the spot, other than Neufchatel, which I don't have. Enjoy your cheese and wine.
Mary Anny - Leeners has always gone out of their way for me. VERY good service and great prices!
Hi Darius! I've found that sometimes it needs a bit more time... or a little warmth so if mold isnt forming I let it sit on the counter for a couple hours to get it going.
Dave - cant you just hear angels singing!?!
Hey Damummis! Yes tell that Sable that winners already have babies! ha!
Hi Jeff! Yep I've got some feta as well. Actually I think - for your market efforts - if you age feta you might be able to sell it. You'd have to find out for sure, of course but someone near us was doing that.
Thanks Contadina and great to hear from you! I just had another bite with my breakfast and it was heavenly. Tonite there shall be wine and a toast to you!
That cheese looks really amazing! Does it taste as good as it looks. The French Neufchâtel is a little bit salty sometimes, but I love it.
@JeffJustJeff, Sainte-Maure is a goat's milk cheese made in the Loire Valley. Neufchâtel is a cow's milk cheese made in Normandy.
That cheese looks amazing.
I truly like to reading your post. Thank you so much for taking the time to share such a nice information.
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