The other day I made a ciabatta bread. It turned out beautifully.
My riff on The Bread Bible's cover photo.
I received the book,The Bread Bible
There were lots of lovely holes in the bread.
There are some great recipes, including a complicated pumpernickel, and I learned some great stuff. For instance, when I made this ciabatta she suggested that after 15 minutes in the oven to take the still baking bread off the sheet and put it directly on the baking stone. This was a great idea and I'm not sure why I never thought of it before. The crust turned out really crunchy.
In other news, we butchered four of our meat chickens yesterday. I'm thrilled - I've been hungry for a chicken dinner since we got them back in October. This puts them at just about 8 weeks when folks normally dress them for dinner. We usually wait a little longer to grow them out a little bigger. We've had some monster meats before but with feed prices so high we are going with "good enough is good enough."
Not meat chickens but I think these two are really beautiful.
We think that out of that whole bunch of meats we only had four roosters! The hens tend to grow out slower so we'll gradually get thru the rest of them a few at a time.
Today will be about parting up those chickens and getting some stock going. And maybe some more baking.
Happy Thursday everyone!
Good for you my darling! That looks absolutely delicious! I'm thinking it might be time for me to "retire" my 4 oldest laying hens. I buy organic, so feed is about $40/bag for me now... and they're just in there gobbling it up. No eggs for several months now. I thought maybe it was the change of season, but surely they'd be laying at least once a month, if they were going to lay at all? Makes me a bit sad since one is a sweetheart, loves to bok-bok next to me while I work in the garden, and the other is my only blue egg layer. :/
Love & adventure: two very important parts of cooking! I didn't know this for a long time.
I can see the love oozing right out of those beautiful holes in that bread! Delicious.
Not famliar with that bread book. I'm partial to Jim Lahey "my bread." I'll be making some this weekend.
Speaking of bread, you should give "The Bread Bakers Apprentice" a go. Find it cheap on amazon, it has some awesome recipes. Not quite as scientific as The Bible, but not quite as "sweet old lady" like Marcella. A happy medium. And the recipes are AWESOME!
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