Ohiofarmgirl's Adventures in The Good Land is largely a fish out of water tale about how I eventually found my footing on a small farm in an Amish town. We are a mostly organic, somewhat self sufficient, sustainable farm in Ohio. There's action and adventure and I'll always tell you the truth about farming.

Friday, March 29, 2013

So the butcher called....

You'll recall that we sent a ham and a couple of the bacons from our recent hog harvest out to the local butcher to be cured and smoked. Mostly we did it because I don't have a smoke house - but one day I will.... Until then we just have too much meat for me to handle. So it's easy to find a "custom butcher" in your area and take some of the meat in to be professional smoked. I really like our butcher, he's something else.

Well, yesterday the butcher called.... he said my bacon was too big for his equipment.

Is that right?

You can imagine that I'm not mature enough for some conversations....... All y'all can take that how ever you'd like but I started to snort.....

I lost it when I heard he had to trim it off a bit to make it fit.

That'll do, pig. That'll do. 

Happy Friday everyone! And not I gotta go and get my big bacons.....


stace41971 said...

Hahahahahaha...no way I could have kept it together for that phone call :P I bet it will add extra enjoyment to your bacon :P

David said...

really need a smoke house....

Unknown said...

Holy Hog Batman! I will keep the other comment I have in my head ;-) but way to go on growing out those super size bacons!

Fresh Eggs Farm said...

Bwa ha ha ha - Your bacon is too big...My sheep are too big for the castration bander LOL. That's right!!!

Horst in Edmonton said...

So what equipment was he talking about, the smoke house or the brine equipment? Looks like he's not equipped for much.

Sharon said...


Ohiofarmgirl said...

I know, Stacy, I'm such a goof... ha ha ha ha ha

Dave, I totally need a smoke house - its on the project list.

Vicki - I laughed so hard. That guy thinks I'm a goof anyway...

FEF - Tee hee hee we know how to grow 'em huh? hee hee hee

Hi Horst! He was talking about their slicer... these bacons were ENORMOUS - really they were unprecedented. Normally he works on deer and more 'standard' sized hogs.

Neko - I know... tee hee hee. Hey! pull my finger! ha ha ha ha

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