Ohiofarmgirl's Adventures in The Good Land is largely a fish out of water tale about how I eventually found my footing on a small farm in an Amish town. We are a mostly organic, somewhat self sufficient, sustainable farm in Ohio. There's action and adventure and I'll always tell you the truth about farming.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How big IS Nibbles?

Huge. There is a reason I call her Tubbie right now....

.... she's as big as the tub!

She still has another week or so. Her official due date is the 13th but with as huge as she is... could happen sooner. This morning she was acting a little funny so we'll see.  And this time she's been warned to make a better effort at being a mommy!

In other news.. it was sunny yesterday so I got to work outside. So did the hens.

It was just like heaven.

Happy Wednesday everyone! And Weekend Cowgirl... thanks again and stay tuned!


Robin said...

My goodness she is very big! It sounds and looks like she will be kidding a little sooner then expected.

Naomi said...

Birdie (our herd queen) says that she wants to go sit next to Nibbles because Nibbles makes her look very slender. (this even though Birdie is the widest doe in the barn at the moment)

Mama Mess said...

Aww, can't wait to see what Nibbles has.....I haven't seen her standing up, but I'm guessing triples........just my guess!

We've been gettin' some sunshine too, it's GLORIOUS!!

Mr. H. said...

Happy Wednesday! That is one well rounded goat you have there. Enjoy that sunshine.

Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

Nibbles is a big one, and she looks like she is still growing..

Autumn said...

Nibbles, how are you going to lose the baby weight? Maybe she'll have triplets! That blackish-whitish chicken is pretty. What is the breed?

Chai Chai said...

Huge? Nibbles is tiny, heck that goose looks to be bigger than her!

I'm thinking 3 zip-pops!

Ohiofarmgirl said...

Hi Robin! The mini's tend to pop sooner than the full sized gals. So any time now...

Ha! Java - I just said that! hee hee hee.. her due date factored in the shorter time but still. Golly - soon I'm sure.

Naomi - that strategy works!

GW - the sun was heavenly again today! We worked outside like real people! whooot!

Mr. H - she is well rounded! HA!

She couldnt possibly get any bigger, Ginny!

Hi Autumn! I'd be surprised if there weren't trips in there! Isnt that a lovely little hen? She's one of my mutts - we have 3 about the same. Just love them.

CC - Tiny??? Well I guess she's huge for her.. and yeah, the geese are taller. Hee hee hee

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