Ohiofarmgirl's Adventures in The Good Land is largely a fish out of water tale about how I eventually found my footing on a small farm in an Amish town. We are a mostly organic, somewhat self sufficient, sustainable farm in Ohio. There's action and adventure and I'll always tell you the truth about farming.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

K is for Kai

I'm a little under the weather right now, so I'm borrowing a page from Grandpa and using his letter of the day to inspire today's post.

Today is brought to you by the Letter K for Kai. Isn't she a stunner?


Autumn said...

Wow, she's gotten really big. How tall is she now?

Leontien said...

Yes very handsome dog!

Leontien and i hope you feel better soon

Mr. H. said...

Hope you feel better soon, hope Kai takes good care of you.:) I don't think you can call him a puppy anymore...he's huge!

JeffJustJeff said...

Beautiful. They really are a stunning breed. Hope you feel better!


Unknown said...

Wow, she's gorgeous! How are you keeping her so clean and white with all the mud we have ;)

Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

What a beautiful dog she is...and posing like royality :o)

Blue Feather Micro-Farm said...

What size saddle does she take? :D

Chai Chai said...

She has really grown, may need to go on the diet dog food.....

Chai Chai said...

This may make you feel better.....


Coming soon, Nibbles and the Nibblettes!

AL said...

Wow those headshots don't do her justice, OFG - she is magnificent! And has gotten so big!!

Ohiofarmgirl said...

She's huge Autumn! She and the big dogs are about at the same hip height.

Thanks, Leontien. Hopefully I'll be back to full speed tomorrow.

Kai is giving me lots of snuggles, Mr. H. But if only she would milk those goats for me!

Thanks Jeff! I'll perk up soon. And yep she is an amazing dog. She's learning the ropes about how to be a hard workin' farm dog.

I dunno, Java, I gave up. Its one big mud-puppy-dog-around here.

Thanks Ginny! She is our princess for sure.

Ha!,BFMF, I'm hoping she'll learn her brother's trick of getting me up when I fall down. I could just ride her out of the ice flow next winter!

CC - what is that kids book when the fish just keeps growing? Thats kinda what its like. And your link is totally my nightmare. YIKES! Dang! Now I'm gonna have that song in my head.

You said it, AL, isnt she fabulous? We are totally smitten with her. The chickens fear her. And the barncats treat her with casual disregard.

Heiko said...

Gosh, hasn't she grown!!! Eddie might get a bit scared of her now... nah! He don't get scared of no-one! (His own shadow at night maybe...) Hope you feel better soon, sis.

katiegirl said...

Wow, it seems overnight she changed from a cute little puppy to a beautiful big girl!

Ohiofarmgirl said...

Oh hey Heiko! I missed you there.. tell Eddie that Kai still just loves to play.

KG - isn't she beautiful? We didnt know what to think of her markings at first...and now we love her funny spots. And yep - she's BIG!

Farmgirl Susan said...

I'm making up a new word - she's beaudorable! And looks very snuggly, too. :)

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