Ohiofarmgirl's Adventures in The Good Land is largely a fish out of water tale about how I eventually found my footing on a small farm in an Amish town. We are a mostly organic, somewhat self sufficient, sustainable farm in Ohio. There's action and adventure and I'll always tell you the truth about farming.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Beans, Beez, Blueberries....and Meeps

Ah... summertime.... a few fun things from today....

Blueberries are ready...

Got our first basket of greenbeans...

The beez are doing great....

And I can't stop talkin' about the Meeps.

These are the 'captive' goslings we took from OD and his crew. The goslings were hatched very late and couldn't keep up with their earlier hatched brothers and sisters.... the last two almost died. So we sccooped them up, brought them in... and we are completely enchanted.

There is just something about geese. When I walk in and say "hey Meeps" they erupt into a heapin,' meepin,' squeakin,' mess of goofin' about. They might think I'm their mommy. Yikes! We took them out for barefootin' in the grass this afternoon. They loved it.

Happy summer everyone!


Unknown said...

The meeps are so cute! Nice job on the garden goodies - I got a grand total of 7 - yes, 7 - blueberries from my bushes. Darn rabbits ate them down to nubs during the winter! They are now residing inside chicken wire cages.

One Sunny Acre said...

It looks like you are using the one piece plastic frame/foundation for your bees. If so, how do you (and the bees) like them? I saw those in the catalog. Just wondering...

Ohiofarmgirl said...

hey 1SA!.. stay tuned for more on this tomorrow... I needed to ask my hubby for an explanation. I'm not really the bee expert here...but I've got the dirt on them now.

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